Psalm 91 – My Refuge

Time in the Scriptures

Pray:  Thank God for protecting you from evil

Read:  Psalm 91

Today’s psalm promises protection from all kinds of evil, and “long life” to “those who love me.” Some people say we should claim the promises of the Psalms for ourselves, and they are bound to come true. Others view the Psalms as prayers and praise songs that express human ideas and emotions – not necessarily God’s.

Jesus, who definitely loved God, was crucified in the prime of life. According to tradition, 11 of the 12 disciples died prematurely from violent deaths.

If you view the psalms as iron-clad promises, how do you square what happened to Jesus and his disciples with the promises of this psalm?

If you don’t view the psalms as iron-clad promises, how do you read them? How can God help you through this psalm when its promises may not hold true for you?

Regardless of how you view the psalms, beware of judging others based upon them. There are faithful Christians in the world today mourning the loss of someone dear to them. Jesus has strong warnings for those who would blame others for the tragedy that befalls them (see, e.g., Luke 13:1-5). Remember when the devil suggests to Jesus that he should rely on the promises of this psalm, Jesus responds with “Don’t test God.”

Intercessory Prayer

Spend time in prayer for the following activities and people:

  • For Christians worshiping around the world today, especially those of Ukraine.

Caring through Action

Look for people who are alone or need extra encouragement today at worship—it is easy to become attached to our familiar friends and miss others in need.

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